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What is SBDM?


The Short Answer: SBDM stands for Site Based Decision MakingIt is a committee that helps set goals for the school and advises leadership in a collaborative way

The Long Answer: It is a process for decentralizing decisions to improve educational outcomes through a collaborative effort by which principals, teachers, campus staff, parents and community representatives work together to assess educational outcomes, determine goals and strategies and ensure that strategies are implemented and adjusted to improve student achievement.


How do I get involved?


If you are interested in learning more and/or joining the 2023-24 committee, please contact Elizabeth Luna.

The SBDM Committee is open to parents, school staff, community members (within the school zone) and business partners (within the district).  Members are required to complete an online training and will serve on one of the following sub-committees which meet separately as needed (determined by sub-committee chair); sub-committees report out to the full committee during full meetings.



Click here to see previous meeting recordings, agendas & minutes, by-laws, subcommittee information, etc.

Please contact Elizabeth Luna at ghesbdm@gmail.com with any questions about SBDM.


2023-24 SBDM Committee Officers:

  • CHAIRPERSON: Elizabeth Luna, Parent
  • VICE-CHAIRPERSON:  Paige Black, Parent
  • ADMINISTRATOR: Israel Verver, Principal 
  • FACILITATOR/TIMEKEEPER: Cynthnia Teter, Teacher
  • SCRIBE/RECORDER:  Rhonda Barnwell, Teacher
  • SCRIBE/RECORDER: Sabrina Melton, Teacher
  • CRC: Maria Carbajal 
  • PARENT INSTRUCTOR: Gauranga Robinson 
  • Community Members: Alexis Gomez
  • Business Representatives: Whitney Catarella 

Meeting Schedule:


 February 29, 2024 at 5:30PM via TEAMS. Meeting information is below: 


Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 214 027 955 088
Passcode: dxWsCN

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